Charles Maclay Middle School Home

Welcome to Beautiful Maclay Middle School,
Where We Thrive as Champion Learners Who Are Ready for the World!


Feb 25

SSPT - Bi-Monthly @ LIB

Time: 11 AM – 11:30 AM

Feb 27

Mar 7


Time: 9:30 AM – 10 AM

Mar 12

At A Glance

  • 15:1 student ratio
  • 6-8 Grades
  • 1960 Legacy Campus
  • 1:1 Student Devices
side of building with school name

About Us

At Maclay Middle School we believe that the cornerstone of our work is our unwavering commitment to our school community and our core values—purposefulness, high expectations for all, a socially responsible community, high-school prepared, college bound, and 21st Century work force ready, and parents and communities are our partners. Maclay’s Determined to Dream Foundation promotes reading, academic excellence and a college and career going culture by rewarding students for meeting academic benchmarks. The foundation provides opportunities for students to earn field trips.
Our mission graphic

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a school where students master abilities to:
• Demonstrate language proficiency, literacy, and numeracy
• Communicate effectively in writing and speech
• Recognize problems, analyze them, and generate solutions
• Make decisions and take responsibility for doing so
• Learn how to learn
• Cooperate with others in a myriad of venues, including college and the 21st century workplace
Computer assets

Welcome to Our New Website!

Thank you for visiting our new website! Please check back often as updates are made, and click on article headlines to view full stories where applicable.
School buses

Managing News Stories

Summary text is best limited to 1-3 sentences, and featured images will look best if all ratios match (current ratio 2x3 landscape). This is an example story.
Calendar with pin on it

News Alerts

Urgent stories can be given an alert for parents or community members. This will generate a popup box when you log in, and you can opt to read the full story, dismiss the message once, or opt to not show again. You may set an expiration for the alert.
School desks

All Text and Images in Mock Ups are Placeholders

All text and images are placeholder and able to be replaced by the school.